Astro City: The Dark Age Book Four No.3
Story Title: "Hoofbeats"
Credits: Kurt Busiek (Writer), Brent Anderson (Art), Alex Ross (Cover Art), John Roshell (Lettering and Design), Wendy Broome (Colors), Scott Peterson (Editor), Kristy Quinn (Assistant Editor), Ann Huntington Busiek (Managing Editor) Publisher: Wildstorm (DC Comics Imprint) Appearances:
The Blue Knights, The Street Angel, The Pale Horseman, Hollowpoint*, Charles Williams, Royal Williams, Aubrey Jason, Mirage, Silver Agent, E.A.G.L.E., Hellhound, Stonecold, Gloo, Honor Guard (Beautie, Black Rapier, Mirage, The N-Forcer, Starfighter), The Iron Colonel*, The First Family (Julius Furst, Natalie Furst, Nick Furst, Rex), Madame Majestrix, Monstro City Troops, Quarrel (Jessica Darlene Taggart), The Black Badge
Narrative Voice: Alternating between Charles and Royal Williams Date of Story: Takes place right after the events of Astro City: The Dark Age Book Four #2 on July 25 or 26, 1984 and over the next few days after that in late July and possibly into early August 1984.
Collected Edition: The Dark Age Book Two: Brothers in Arms
Events: This issue's Events & Annotations list.