Astro City: The Dark Age Book One No.4

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© Juke Box Productions

Previous Issue: Astro City: The Dark Age Book One No.3

Next Issue: Astro City: Samaritan

Full Title: Astro City: The Dark Age Book One No.4

Story Title: "Execution Day"

Cover Date: December 2005

Cover Price: $2.99

Credits: Kurt Busiek (Writer), Brent Anderson (Art), Alex Ross (Cover), Comicraft's John Roshell (Lettering and Design), Alex Sinclair (Colors), Ben Abernathy (Editor), Kristy Quinn (Assistant Editor), Ann Huntington Busiek (Managing Editor)

Publisher: Wildstorm Signature (Wildstorm and DC Comics Imprint)

Appearances: Madame Majestrix*, The Silver Agent, Royal Williams, The First Family (Augustus Furst, Julius Furst, Natalie Furst, Nick Furst), Rex, Charles Williams, Monster Troops, Jack-in-the-Box (Jack Johnson), The Experimentals* (Ener-Jeannie*, Liquid*, Solid*, Vapor*), Kitkat, Leopardman, Hellhound, Starwoman, The Halcyon Hippie, Mirage, The Gentleman, The N-Forcer, Cleopatra I, Starfighter, The Lion* & The Unicorn*, The Black Rapier, Hummingbird (Original), The Apollo Eleven (Aquarina, Arthro, Commander One, Encephalon, Gas Giant, Ichthyos, Kahoutek, L.G.M., Nihil, Strangeling), Honor Guard (Various Members), Supersonic, Unknown Green Guy?, The Blue Knight, 2 or 3 Unknown Characters
* denotes first appearance

Mentions: E.A.G.L.E., The Silver Brain, The Maharajah of Maga-Dhor

Narrative Voice: Alternating between Charles and Royal Williams

Date of Story: Over a day in Spring 1973, two to three weeks after the end of issue #3.

Collected Edition: The Dark Age Book One: Brothers and Other Strangers

Events: This issue's Events & Annotations list.