Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three No.1

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© Juke Box Productions

Previous Issue: Astro City: Beautie

Next Issue: Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three No.2

Full Title: Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three No.1

Story Title: "A Cold, Gray Morning in America"

Cover Date: July 2009

Cover Price: $3.99

Credits: Kurt Busiek (Writer), Brent Anderson (Art), Alex Ross (Cover), John Roshell (Design and Lettering), Alex Sinclair (Colors), Scott Peterson (Editor), Kristy Quinn (Assistant Editor), Ann Huntington Busiek (Managing Editor)

Publisher: Wildstorm (DC Comics Imprint)

Appearances: Hellsignor*, The First Family (Augustus Furst, Julius Furst, Natalie Furst, Nick Furst, Rex), The Omega Rangers* (Bravo, Butterfly*, Hellhound, Krakaboom*, The Point Man*, Quarrel (Jessica Darlene Taggart), Witchling*), Cleopatra (Sarah Brandeis), Jack-in-the-Box (Jack Johnson), Chain*, Handgun*, Pyramid, Royal Williams, Aubrey Jason, Charles Williams, The Silver Agent, The Incarnate, The Apollo Eleven (Commander One, Encephalon, Gas Giant, Strangeling), E.A.G.L.E.
* denotes first appearance

Mentions: Cleopatra (Original), The Underlord, Honor Guard, The Bouncing Beatnik, Supersonic, Black Velvet, Joey Platypus, Skyborne

Narrative Voice: Alternating between Charles and Royal Williams

Date of Story: April 6-11, 1982

Collected Edition: The Dark Age Book Two: Brothers in Arms

Events: This issue's Events & Annotations list.