Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three No.3
Story Title: "Deep Cover"
Credits: Kurt Busiek (Writer), Brent Anderson (Art), Alex Ross (Covers), Alex Sinclair (Colors), John Roshell (Lettering and Design), Scott Peterson (Editor), Kristy Quinn (Assistant Editor), Ann Huntington Busiek (Managing Editor) Publisher: Wildstorm (DC Comics Imprint) Appearances:
The Apollo Eleven (Arthro, Aquarina, Commander One, Encephalon, Gas Giant, Ichthyos, Kahoutek, L.G.M., Nihil, Shrff, Strangeling), The Continuum*, Xosmos*, Pyramid, Charles Williams, E.A.G.L.E., Aubrey Jason, Royal Williams, The Silver Agent, Honor Guard (Beautie, The Black Rapier, Greymalkin, Mermaid, Mirage, The N-Forcer, Stormhawk), The First Family (Augustus Furst, Julius Furst, Natalie Furst, Nick Furst, Rex), The Incarnate
Narrative Voice: alternating between Charles and Royal Williams Date of Story: Starts presumably a few days after April 20-21, 1982 (where Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three #2 left off) over various dates up to May 2 & 3, 1982.
Collected Edition: The Dark Age Book Two: Brothers in Arms
Events: This issue's Events & Annotations list.