Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three No.4
Story Title: "All the Way Down"
Credits: Kurt Busiek (Writer), Brent Anderson (Art), Alex Ross (Cover Art), John Roshell (Lettering and Design), Alex Sinclair (Colors), Scott Peterson (Editor), Kristy Quinn (Assistant Editor), Ann Huntington Busiek (Managing Editor) Publisher: Wildstorm (DC Comics Imprint) Appearances:
Charles Williams, Royal Williams, The Incarnate, The Silver Agent, Honor Guard (Beautie, The Black Rapier, Greymalkin, Mirage, N-Forcer, Stormhawk), The Omega Rangers (Bravo, Butterfly, Cleopatra (Sarah Brandeis), Hellhound, Krakaboom, The Point Man, Quarrel (Jessica Darlene Taggart), Witchling), First Family (Augustus Furst, Julius Furst, Natalie Furst, Nick Furst, Rex), Aubrey Jason, Pyramid, Grimoire, The Firstmen*, Starwoman
Narrative Voice: Alternating Between Charles and Royal Williams Date of Story: Starting out it takes place concurrent to the end of Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three #3 on May 3, 1982 up through approximately May 8, 1982.
Collected Edition: The Dark Age Book Two: Brothers in Arms
Events: This issue's Events & Annotations list.