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Businesses | Notes | Creator Salute |
Alvarado Funds
A business owned by Maria Alvarado located in AstroBank Tower in 1998. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #18. |
A series of banks in Astro City. They have locations at City Center and Fass Gardens. They possibly own the AstroBank Tower as well. |
AstroBus Tours
A company that provides bus tours through historical Astro City sights and scenes.
First mentioned in Astro City: A Visitor's Guide. |
Astro City Area Transit
A bus line in the greater and outer Astro City area in 1997. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #4. |
Astro City Athletic Club
A gym in 1983 that was partly-owned by Marco "Rocky" Morretti, a man with mob connections. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3. Located in Chesler area. |
Astro City Classic
A hotel that Pete Donacek works for, near Dedication Park and City Center. |
Astro City Diner
Known as the "City Diner," it's located in Chesler near Kiefer Square area on Forsythe Street. First seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #15 in 1998. |
Astro City Dodge
A car dealership, seen in a newspaper add in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #2. |
Astro City Pale Ale
A local brand of beer known as an Acey. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #14. |
Astro City Stock Exchange
first mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #6 |
A series of convenience stores in Astro City. First seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #5. |
Astro Motel
A motel in the Hartley suburb. First seen Astro City Special Supersonic #1. |
A shuttle service for the airports. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #7. |
Aswan Trading
A stock broking firm used a front for a Pyramid base in 1982 near City Center. First seen Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three #3. Aswan is a city in Egypt, continuing Pyramid's using Egyptian names for codes and bases. |
Bank of Astro City
A bank that was robbed by the Doppel Gang in 1967, possibly a precursor to the AstroBank chain. First mentioned Astro City: Local Heroes #4. |
Beefy Bob's
A fast food chain who's first location, on the corner of Gonzalez Avenue and Goodwin Street, was in Astro City with 47 chains in the metro area as of 2004. It's mascot is Melvin the Interrupting Cow. |
A sports bar in 1977. Seen in Astro City: The Dark Age Book Two #3. | Like Berrill Stadium for Gil Tharp creator Jack Berrill.
Big Sleep Mattress Company
A mattress store or company seen in 1998, possibly near Kiefer Square. | A likely tip of the hat the Bogart noir classic The Big Sleep.
Biro Island Ferry
A ferry service that transports people to and from Biro Island. |
A vine making company or vineyard. First mentioned Astro City: Local Heroes #4. | Artist Franke Bolle and colorist Alvin Hollingsworth.
Likely an electronics store. First seen circa 1959 in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #2. | Frankenstein artist Dick Briefer.
A bar frequented by street level heroes and villains of the working class. Ran by K.O. Carson. First seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #4. |
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Buscema's Deli
Located directly on Kiefer Square in 1998. First seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #15. | One of comics most highly admired and favorite Silver Age artists John Buscema.
A private club for superheroes. First seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #4 |
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Cairo Club
An Egyptian themed club seen in 1995. Possibly for the more upscale clientèle. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3 |
Carl's Diner
A diner that was seen in 1984 in Astro City: The Dark Age Book Four #4. |
Clement Technologies
A technology company in the 1950s or 1960s that employed the man who became Braintrust, who later sought revenge on the company for financially cheating him out of their original agreement. First mentioned Astro City: The Dark Age Book Two #2. |
Cosmidyne Technologies
A technology research lab in Astro City which is investigating cosmological physics. It was infiltrated by Infidel in 1996. First seen Astro City: Samaritan #1. |
Craig Avenue Bar & Grill
A cheap, local hang-out in the Sweatshop, frequented by low-life types with mob connections looking for "work." First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3. | Named Craig Avenue, EC Artist Johnny Craig.
A bar in the Sweatshop in 1976 that Street Angel busted up. First seen Astro City: The Dark Age Book Two #1. |
Davis Grocers
A grocery store that used to be on Ingels Street, but was closed long before 1995. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3. | Mad and EC Comics Artist Jack Davis
The Deadline
A bar for reporter types in the late 1950s, that has gone the way of the hard drinking chain smoking reporter according to Elliot Mills. Seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #2. |
Down Under Club
A nightclub in Chesler that was run by Joey Platypus and used as his base of operations. First seen in Astro City: The Dark Age Book Two #1 in 1976. |
Duncan and Costanza Fine Meats
A meat packing plant in Chesler in 1998. First Seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #18. | Captain Marvel Artist Pete Costanza and Fawcett Comics artist Greg Duncan?
A company that was formerly Edgefield and Wickersham Office Supplies & Repair, who employed, the Junkman before his turn as a super-villain. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #10. | Disney animation director and later ACG comic artist Bob Wickersham.
Elder's Gym
A gym that used to be around Ingels Street that closed well prior to 1995. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3. | EC Artist Will Elder.
Feldstein's Bar & Grill
A restaurant and bar seen in Astro City in 1959 located near Iger Square. Seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #2. | Mad Magazine and EC Comics editor Al Feldstein
First National Bank
Possibly a predecessor to AstroBank in Astro City. In 1943 the Novick Avenue was the site of a robbery attempt by the Time-Keeper. |
Fleur-de-Lis Cigarettes
A brand of cigarettes in the mid 1960s seen on a billboard in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #12. |
Frontier Brand Cigarettes
A cigarette company that features the Frontiersman as a spokesman. "The Frontiersman says `For smoothness and taste, my choice is Frontiers!" was a slogan seen in 1959. First seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #2. |
The García-López Salon and Spa
A high end spa with a location in Binderbeck Plaza, along with ones in Paris and Palm Springs. First mentioned in Astro City: A Visitor's Guide. | Artist José Luis García-López
Generica Books
A book store seen in 1996 in mall near Derbyfield. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #3. |
A fashionable restaurant on Puzo Avenue in the early 1970s. First mentioned Astro City: Local Heroes #4. | Inker Frank Giacoia.
A store seen in 1960. First seen Astro City: Local Heroes #2. | Lone Ranger artist Tom Gill?
Goodman-Donenfeld Industries
A factory or series of factories across the river in Gainesville mentioned in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3 in 1995. | Martin Goodman and Harry Donenfeld and Irwin Donenfeld who were the publishers of the companies that became Marvel and DC Comics. The reference is probably a slight jab to the working conditions of creators at the time.
An Astro City landmark since 1959, Goscinny’s reflects the joie de vivre and hearty regional fare of Brittany, and boasts unparalleled service. Try the chilled Breton lobster soup with cucumbers and black olives, followed by a delicious haddock brandade with roasted fillets of rougade, and Kouing Amman (a tower of ultra-thin pastry leaves filled with butter and sugar), before ending the evening with a glass of fine 25-year-old Calvados. The atmosphere is a winning blend of candlelit romance and airy Continental elegance. Located at 15 Troisfontaines Aveune. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #6. | Asterix creator Rene Goscinny.
A modern-day successor to the law firm of Grant, Miller, Healy and Valada seen in 1974, today located in Binderbeck Plaza. | Named after lawyers and comic fans. See main article.
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Grantray Electronics
An electronics store seen in 1997 in #8. | A nod to Grantray-Lawrence Animation that made the the Marvel cartoons of the 1960s.
An investment firm in 1984 that the Pale Horseman incinerated criminals in. | A possible nod to Little Orphan Annie creator Harold Gray.
A bakery or coffee shop in Shadow Hill in 1995. First seenKurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #4 |
An aircraft company in Arizona that Dale Enright worked for. There was also an Astro City plant that closed by the early 1980s. First seen Astro City Special #1. | A possibly reference to Hillman Periodicals who published Airboy. British comic strip artist could be for Jim Holdaway but there appears to be no likely connection.
Iger Bar
A bar in Chesler located near Haney Avenue. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #18 in 1998. | Like Iger Square, named for artist Jerry Iger.
Kamen's Deli
A deli located in the Chesler and Old Town area that was closed long before 1995. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3 | EC Comics Artist Jack Kamen.
Kid Kode Ice Cream
An Ice Cream company or brand seen in 2001. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #9. |
Kiefer Square Tavern
The bar located on Kiefer Sqaure frequented by black masks and small time crminals seen in 1998. First seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #14. |
Klodhopper Shoes
A shoe store seen in 1996 in a mall near Derbyfield. First seen inKurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #3. |
The Kotzky
A deluxe apartment building. First mentioned Astro City: Local Heroes #4. | Artist on the strip Apartment 3G Alex Kotzky.
Leverett and Gleason
A company that behind the building of the Wildenberg Center complex. First mentioned in Astro City: Local Heroes #2 | Comics Publisher Leverett Gleason].
Loony Leo's
A 1940's Hollywood themed nostalgia restaurant and nightclub, owned and hosted by Loony Leo himself. First Seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #1 and also in #13. Located at 34 Binderbeck Square East. Business hours in 1998 were from 11 AM to 11 PM Sunday-Thursday and 11AM to 1AM on Friday and Saturday. |
A store seen in 1959, in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #2. | Atlas Comics creator Joe Maneely.
A bar and grill seen in 1972. First seen Astro City: The Dark Age Book One #1. |
Melody Fine Coffee & Teas
A eatery shop seen in 1996 in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #1. | A homage to Sylvie Rancourt's series of the same name and features the same lettering/logotype.
A pizza place near Robinson Prep School in 1997. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #5. | Named for Supergirl Artist Jim Mooney.
Mountain Petroleum
A front company for bootleggers during prohibition. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #7. |
A department store in Astro City since 1921, that offers "affordable quality." First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #5. | Klaus Nordling
N.R.Gistics Inc
Formerly known as Nicholls-Royce Electronics. Their main offices moved to Los Angeles by the early 1970s, but still had an Astro City plant in Gainesville. The N-Forcer is somehow associated with and has close affiliation with this company. |
Orrin's Grocery Store
A grocery store in 1959, run by a Mr. Evans. First seen in Astro City: The Flip Book. | Named for Orrin Evans, a journalist who published All Negro Comics.
Likely an Italian restaurant in Derbyfield. First seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #4 in 1995. |
Paul Arthur Advertising
An advertising firm located in AstroBank Tower Suite 1300, that got Loony Leo to do a series of car commercials in 1998. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #13. | Steve Canyon creator Milton Caniff who's full name is Milton Arthur Paul Caniff?
The Press Club
A restaurant that would seem to be near the Astro City Rocket's office and cater to reporters. First mentioned in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #2 |
Pro City Packaging Company
A business in 1983 owned by Vincent Lobianco a man who had mob ties. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3. Likely located in Chesler Area. |
The Range Rider
A gay cowboy themed bar seen in 2008. Seen in Astro City: Beautie #1. In the late 1970s it was a tropical themed bar called Barefoot Bo-(rest unknown). |
Robinson Hotel
A hotel that Jack-in-the-Box rescued hostages from in late 1997. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #12. | Batman writer and creator of many of the Batman mythos, Jerry Robinson.
Rodriguez Haulers
A trash hauling service seen in 1997. Their motto is "Satisfaction guaranteed or double your garbage back." First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #10. | Trashman creator Spain Rodriguez.
Romayne Linen
A linen company seen in the early 1990s. First seen Astro City: Local Heroes #1. |
Romayne Realty
A realty firm in the 1960s. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #13. An off-shoot spelling of Romeyn Falls apparently. |
Roofgarden Restauarnt
A high end restaurant, where Jack-in-the-Box stopped a robbery attempt by the Brass Monkey at a charity dinner in November 1997. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #11. |
Roth-Toth Automotive & Salvage Company
An auto tower and junkyard in Chesler in 1997. Seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #11. | Automotive cartoonist and artist Ed "Big Daddy" Roth and Hot Wheels artist Alex Toth.
Sampson's Electronics
An electronics store near Kiefer Square that would seem to specialize in pagers. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #18. |
Sid's Foodland
A grocery store seen in 1984 in #3. |
The Silverbar
A high end martini bar in 2008. Seen in Astro City: Beautie #1. |
A restaurant in 1946 with a $.25 spaghetti bar, next to the Ace Theater on Daigh Street. The first and last part of the name is obscured, so the name is conjured. It could also be Buttons. | If it is Sutton's it could be Warren Comics artist Tom Sutton.
Szenic's Market
A market in Shadow Hill seen in 1995. Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #4. | Quality Comics artist Zoltan Szenics or letterer Terry Szenics.
A dinner and dancing spot in the early 1970s near Kamen Street, where Richard Forgione murdered Lissette Palais. First seen Astro City: Local Heroes #4. | Comic book artist Tony Tallarico.
Thunder Road Trucking Company
A trucking company seen in 1998. First seen Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #15. | A nod to the movie Thunder Road in which Robert Mitchum the physical basis for Steeljack played in.
Tip Top Bar
A bar in the Chesler area in the early 1980s. First seen Astro City: The Dark Age Book Three #2. |
Tip-Top Toys
The company that makes Beautie dolls and has the superhero Beautie serve as one of their spokespeople. First seen Astro City: Beautie #1. |
Toth's Fineries
A store seen in 1959 Astro City in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #2. | Comic artist and Space Ghost animator Alex Toth.
A store possibly a children's clothing store seen in 1959 in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #2. | Little Lulu comic artist Irving Tripp .
Ty's Cocktail Lounge
A bar frequented by Charles and Royal Williams in 1972. First seen Astro City: The Dark Age Book One #1. |
Vasiliu Butcher Shop
A butcher shop in Shadow Hill. Seen in Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #4. |
West Side Restaurant and Bar
A greasy spoon in 1974. First seen in Astro City: Local Heroes #5 |
A giant toy company that was exposed by Jack-in-the-Box in 1968 as having a secret wing that supplied weapons to villains and other criminals. First mentioned Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 #3. |
Wheaton Investments
A large investment firm in the late 1960s. First mentioned Astro City: Beautie #1. |
Z.J. Toys
The toy company owned by Zachary Johnson. |