Healer Meg

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Healer Meg
© Juke Box Productions


Status: Active
Earliest Appearance: <in world date>
Origin: <issue(s)>

Personal Data


Appearances (in Publication Order): Astro City #7, 8, 9, 10

Event Timeline


Healer Meg

"She’s essentially a walking, sentient bronze statue, something along the lines of a primitive fertility idol. That’s a part of why she’s got healing powers in the first place."

-- Kurt Busiek


Creator Quotes

"As for Healer Meg: I can’t say I think it’s stereotypical to encounter a character who expresses a negative attitude toward men at a large women’s shelter and self-defense training camp, particularly not someone whose primary job is to see to the injuries of the battered women who come through the doors. I expect Meg isn’t the only one there to be distrustful of men. Indeed, I think it’d be wholly unrealistic if she was."

--- Kurt Busiek