Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 No.22
Story Title: "Great Expectations"
Credits: Kurt Busiek (Writer), Brent Anderson (Pencils), Will Blyberg (Inker), Alex Ross (Cover), John Roshell and Comicraft's Wes Abbott (Design and Lettering) Alex Sinclair (Colors) Ann Huntington Busiek (Managing Editor), John Layman (Editor) Publisher: Homage Comics(Wildstorm and DC Comics Imprint) Appearances:
The Crimson Cougar, Samaritan, White Lightning, Martha Sullivan*, The Unholy Alliance (Demolitia, Flamethrower, Glowworm, Slamburger, Spice), Honor Guard (Cleopatra (Sarah Brandeis), M.P.H., The N-Forcer, Quarrel (Jessica Darlene Taggart), Samaritan), The Dark Centurion*
Narrative Voice: Mitch Goodman Date of Story: Over a five day span in July 2000, then a few weeks later over two days in August.
Collected Edition: Local Heroes
Events: This issue's Events & Annotations list.