Maria Alvarado

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Maria Alvarado
© Juke Box Productions


Status: Active
Real Name: Maria Luisa Alvarado
Earliest Appearance: early 1960s
Base of Operations: Astro City; formerly Los Angeles

Personal Data

Occupation: Owner Alvarado Funds
Civil Status: Divorced


Appearances (in Publication Order): Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #16, 18

Event Timeline


Maria Alvarado

A former love interest of Esteban Rodrigo Suarez Hidalgo who was an activist in Los Angeles' Hispanic neighborhoods.


Serving as a executive director for one of Esteban Hidalgo's charities, she was quick with her tongue and became the desire of Hidalgo for many years and as they worked together in trying to rebuild the Hispanic community, they became closer. Her words sunk into Hidalgo about being a rich playboy, who just thought throwing money at problems would solve them. He realized that actions speak louder than dollars and this led to him becoming El Hombre.
But as El Hombre took up more and more of Hidalgo's time, Alvarado found herself drifting more towards Ramon Vega, a young lawyer activist. Vega fought more for social justice and change, rather than the legal and street justice that El Hombre had become known for. Vega became closer to him professionally and then romantically.
By the mid 1960s the Vega and Alvarado married and shattered Hidalgo, which led to his downward spiral.
By 1998 though, when Steeljack tracked her down she was in Astro City, as a trust fund manager, with an office located in AstroBank Tower, having divorced Vega and seemingly traded her principles from her younger days.