Natalie Furst
HistoryFamily BeginningsBy their pre-teens, Natalie and her brother, joined their adopted grandfather and uncle on exciting discoveries, and dangerous adventures. Rex Becomes Part of the FamilyIn 1979, she married Rex Zorus, the son of one of the First Family's major enemies, Madame Majestrix. While it was still shocking to some at the time, that she would choose to be with such a creature, the seeds of the romance had been planted in their teens. In late 1972, Rex led an army from his underseas home(Monstro City) against the surface world. They were turned away by the First Family. But the encounter had a profound and heart felt influence on Rex, shifting his desires away from his mother's ambitios goals to conquer the surface world. He found himself now a direct ally with the First Family. Natalie held an attachment or crush on Rex almost from the start. She expressed a great fear at the possibility of him being taken away by the authorities for his role in the fall invasion, early the next year. The Fursts held steadfast that Rex changed his ways and protected him and even left Astro City for a period. A few years later during the Family's tour of the Ring of Worlds it was evident that Natalie's feelings were becoming stronger, after becoming angry with Rex for flirting with an alien princess. Enter AstraIn May of 1986, Natalie gave birth to her and Rex's only child, Astra Furst. While there were early concerns, Natalie and Rex were blessed with a beautiful healthy girl, complete with spectacular energy powers of her own. PowersNatalie channels a rare kind of energy internally through her body, whereas he brother's powers are manifested externally. She can build it up to increase her mass, growing in size, reaching giagantic proportions totally underr her control. Alternately, she can tamp down the energy, decreasing her mass. While she does not decrease in size, she can lower her density so as to become intangible. Her energy sometimes discharges from her eyes, a the telltale sign of the forces coursing through her body. This energy is also deployed by her brother, her daughter, and it seems to also be the same force that Augustus' energenerator wields, albeit in different ways.
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