The Pale Horseman
HistoryThe Pale Horseman burst onto the scene in late July of 1984. During his brief time in this world, no one in Astro City, neither criminal nor law-abiding citizen felt safe. He claimed several villains early on in his reign of fear, including Hollowpoint as victims, leaving only their charred remains. Otter, Mister Toad and Owl were about to meet the same fate one evening before the Street Angel intervened leading the Horseman away. The Street Angel had previously escaped him, but on this night he would meet his fate like so many of the other criminals, though he saved the villainous trio's lives in the process. The Pale Horseman soon felt something or someone tapping into his power. The Silver Agent revealed the rip in reality opened by the Point Man during the Rise of Kerresh the Devastator in which the Point Man fired The Innocent Gun was the source of The Pale Horseman's power and entrance into this realm. Lord Sovereign was the one attempting to raid that power source which caused thee two beings to come into contact and conflict with one another. As they fought one another it appeared both were slightly weakened. The pair were trying to get away, but the Silver Agent managed to shut down the machines that powered Lord Sovereign and closed the rift in reality, blinking both beings out of this world. See also the Final Crisis Point.
ObservationsPale Horseman comes from the Bible as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse representing death.