Rex and Natalie Call in Reinforcements

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Event Summary[edit]

  * This is on-panel action following up on Samaritan's earlier narration: "An armored Giant with an Ax demanding tribute in Chicago..."
  • Unspecified hi-tech gadget designed by Augustus and powered by the energies of Astra Furst, Nick Furst, and the N-Forcer
Date Event Type Issue Page:Panel Page Source Priority
1996/01 current Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 No.6 17:1 comixology normal
Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.1 No.6/Events
Event Element Element Type Element SubType
Wotan Character
Rex Zorus Character Hero
Natalie Furst Character
Astra Furst Character
Nick Furst Character
Black Rapier Character
N-Forcer Character
Augustus Furst Character
The First Family Character Teams
Julius Furst Character
unspecified hi-tech gadget

This page is an Event Annotation Notecard for an event that occurred in an issue of Astro City Comics. Please follow Event Editing Guidelines when making changes to this page.

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