Herocopia talk:Community portal

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Mr. Smartie Notes: Please don't delete discussion items. They serve as history, a log of problems and the resolution. Thanks! --Infobroker (talk) 07:56, 7 January 2015 (PST)

Annotations/Events Notecards - Future Impacts to Herocopia Site[edit]

First off, let me say I had hoped we would have been further along in the process of building the Event entries. But real life on my level does cause major changes to drag here in the land of media wikis.

  • As I master more skills with semantic queries, especially the formatting, the events sections for characters will change, not be so kludgy looking. (done deed!)
  • There will be a rewinding of sorts( please don't kill me Zak) of the various business, neighborhoods, etc... pages. Instead of building those by hand we will use semantic queries to auto build those pages. This means we will go back to having individual pages for each item. I just finished pulling Shadow Hill and now Mount Kirby off and made them individual pages using the new templates. Two good examples for people to use as models. (in progress)
  • Other types of pages will be created using queries, and more information will derive itself from queries, some totally new, and some to replace some of the manual entry we do now. (on going)
  • All of this will happen over time. Right now my emphasis is on getting more events annotated. The rest of this is background noise, bouncing around in my brain cells, waiting for its moments of focused attention.

Feel free to post your questions, concerns and other input.

In summary, Everyone should feel free to build and edit event entries. The how-to details can be found on the help page for Building Event Note Cards for Events and Annotations. Also, take advantage of the new "Device" Templates for Landmarks, Gizmos, and other non-character Herocopia pages.

--Infobroker (talk) 09:40, 20 November 2015 (PST)

The infobox2 template is currently receiving a value for the type property setting. This will change very quickly to it doing it automatically. (Hence the need to move non-character entries to the device templates).

--Infobroker (talk) 09:40, 20 November 2015 (PST)

Link to the Help Page[edit]

The version of mediawiki that we are running (the latest) has a bit of a problem with the help link. If you are NOT signed in, when you click on the link from any page other than the main page, you are link to the general help page for mediawiki, not the help page for Herocopia. We've experimented and tried to circumvent it, but it seems to be buried deep in the software and can't be tricked or overridden.

This is an awareness notification. It should be fixed in the next release of the mediawiki software. --Infobroker (talk) 11:56, 5 December 2015 (PST)

Error messages following file uploads[edit]

When I was updating [Upcoming Issues Template] page and uploading the image, after it was complete, it had a bunch of messages like

Warning: is_executable() [function.is-executable]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/bin/bash) is not within the allowed path(s): (/nfs:/tmp:/usr/local:/etc/apache2/gs-bin) in /nfs/c08/h02/mnt/171086/domains/herocopia.com/html/includes/GlobalFunctions.php on line 2809

is this anything to worry about? --Astrozac (talk) 23:06, 14 December 2015 (PST)

It is a small worry, but the problem is lurking inside the mediawiki code. One of many problems that seems to have cropped up with our recent version upgrade. I have only encountered it when doing file uploads. And once I navigate onward the messages go away. Let me know if you see it anywhere else. --Infobroker (talk) 13:55, 15 December 2015 (PST)